Join Our Twitter Chat on NET Cancer Day

The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation is hosting “Conquering NETs/Carcinoid Cancer Misdiagnoses” Twitter Chat with Steven K. Libutti, MD on November 10, 2015

To help bring attention to NETs/carcinoid cancer, we invite you to join the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation as we host aTwitter Chat on the topic of “Conquering Cancer Misdiagnosis.” The event will take place on Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day, which is Tuesday, November 10, from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Eastern Time.

During the #NETCancerChat we’ll be live tweeting from our Twitter handle  @CarcinoidNETs along with Steven K. Libutti, MD, Director, Montefiore Einstein Center for Cancer Care and Professor, Department of Surgery Montefiore Medical Center at @SLibutti.

Patients, caregivers, physicians, nurses, researchers, advocacy groups, hospitals, healthcare system, pharmaceutical companies, the news media and anyone else interested in NETs/carcinoid cancer are invited to participate in the Twitter Chat. The chat will provide a valuable opportunity to share information and resources about NETs/carcinoid cancer.

The chat is being supported by Advanced Accelerator Applications.

We invite you to join the Twitter Chat from your Twitter handle, and look forward to your participation as we work together to bring widespread recognition of carcinoid cancer and other neuroendocrine tumors as a global health challenge.

Twitter Chat Coordinates for “Conquering NETs/Carcinoid Cancer Misdiagnosis”

•    CFF Twitter Chat: Conquering Cancer Misdiagnosis
•    Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 1:00-2:00 pm, ET
•    Twitter Chat hashtag: #NETCancerChat
•    Twitter Chat Moderator: @CarcinoidNETs
•    Dr. Steven K. Libutti: @SLibutti

Help Promote the Twitter Chat

• We invite you to share this information through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, newsletters, email blasts or any other communications channels you use.

How to Participate in the Twitter Chat

1.    Join the Twitter Chat from your active Twitter account.

2.   Sign into the Twitter Chat at 12:45 p.m. ET on November 10 from the Twitter management tool that you prefer. Join at #NETCancerChat

3.   Once you are signed in, you are welcome to tweet comments, facts, images and videos as often as you like.

4.    Be sure to use the hashtag #NETCancerChat in all your tweets. Doing so will make your tweets a part of the actual chat.

5.    When responding to a topic posed by the moderator, include the letter “T” followed by the number of the question/topic, so we know what topic you are referring to.

For example, if the moderator posts the following
T1:  In what area of the body do we see most NETs/Carcinoid?

Here is an example Response:
T1:  NETs are found mostly in the #gastrointestinal system, but can be the #pancreas, #lung and other parts of body. #NETCancerChat


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