“Imaging of Neuroendocrine Tumors and Obstacles to Diagnosis,” a Free Webinar on August 22 for Physicians and Healthcare Professionals

SPECIAL NOTICE: This webinar has just been opened to the patient community and the public, with limited spaces available.  Register today at the link below for the August 22 webinar.

Are you or do you know a physician or healthcare professional who would like to learn more about diagnosing and managing NETs? Here’s an excellent opportunity to hear from a carcinoid/NET specialist, Dr. Eric H. Liu, during a free webinar on Wednesday, August 22. Dr. Liu (pictured below), a surgicaloncologist, is Director of the Neuroendocrine Center at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. The webinar, “Imaging ofNeuroendocrine Tumors and Obstacles to Diagnosis,” is free and is designed for radiologists, oncologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, and other healthcare providers who diagnose and treat patients with NETs. CLICK HERE for more information.