First Global Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Patient Survey

Participate in the first ever global survey specifically focused on NET (neuroendocrine tumor) cancer!

Please help the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and the Caring for Carcinoid Foundation – both members of theInternational Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance (INCA) — increase awareness and education about NET worldwide by completing the first ever global survey of NET cancer patients!

Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and Caring for Carcinoid Foundation, First Global NET Patient Survey

We hope you will join NET patients from the United States and around the world and take the 25-minute online survey.

By completing the online survey you can help us bring to light the need for greater global awareness and education about NET cancer.  As part of the survey, participants will have the chance to share their insights on the following topics:

•    The journey to a NET diagnosis

•    Living with and managing NET

•    Information and resources about NET that are available

The survey will also:

•    Contribute to critical data that will be used to raise awareness of NET

•    Help us better understand how we can assist the NET patient community

•    Help NET cancer researchers and physicians better understand the    implications and impact of this disease.

To complete the Global NET Patient Survey, please log on to:

The survey will take approximately 25 minutes to complete.  Any information that is disclosed will be treated in the strictest confidence and no answers will be attributed to individual respondents.  We sincerely value your input in this important survey and hope you can participate.

The Global NET Patient Survey is provided by INCA in collaboration with Novartis.

INCA, Novartis, First Global NET Patient Survey

Thank you to the nearly 2,000 NET patients who completed the survey worldwide!!  The survey closed on May 31, 2014.

© 2013 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, used under license by INCA and its member organizations