Carcinoid Syndrome: 3 New Virtual Events in December

Are you newly diagnosed with carcinoid syndrome or have been living with the syndrome for many years? The neuroendocrine tumor (NET) community is invited to participate in three new, virtual carcinoid syndrome programs in December. The programs are made possible by Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Inc.  A special Facebook Live event will be presented by the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation on Monday, December 14 featuring NET expert Dr. Lowell Anthony and Melanie Bean, a neuroendocrine tumor patient. Two educational webinars, “Finding Your Independence,” living well with metastatic NETs, will be held on December 8 with Dr. Eric Liu and Dr. Michael Morse, and on December 9 with Dr. Lowell Anthony and Dr. Jonathan Strosberg.  The programs are all available at no charge; registration is required for the December 8 and 9 programs. Registration for the December 14 program is not necessary nor is a link needed. READ MORE