
ENET Conference Summary
Budapest, March 2004

The European ENET (European Neuroendocrine Tumor Network) held an educational conference in Budapest, Hungary on the 25th, 26th and 27th of March 2004. The topic was the current status of the diagnosis and treatment of hereditary and sporadic neuroendocrine tumors of the gastroenteropancreatic system. There were 57 lecturers and a total attendance of approximately 400 physicians. A wide variety of basic and clinical aspects of neuroendocrine gastroenteropancreatic tumor diseases were covered and a great deal of interchange took place both on and off the podium between researchers and clinicians dealing with these diseases.

Much of the proceedings will eventually be published in the journal, Endocrine Related Cancer.

Ahlman H, Gothenborg, Sweden Karges W, Kiel, Germany
Anthony L, New Orleans, USA Klöppel G, Kiel, Germany
Arnold R, Marburg, Germany Krenning E, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Bajetta E, Milan, Italy Kvols L, Tampa, USA
Beglinger Ch, Basel, Switzerland Lips C, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Buchfelder M, Göttingen, Germany Neumann H, Freiburg, Germany
Buscail L, Toulouse, France Nilsson O, Gothenburg, Sweden
Calender A, Lyon, France Öberg K, Uppsala, Sweden
Cadiot G, Reims, France Plöckinger U, Berlin, Germany
Caplin M, London, United Kingdom Reubi J-C, Bern, Switzerland
de Herder W, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Rindi G, Brescia, Italy
de Vries E, Groningen, The Netherlands Rosewicz S, Berlin , Germany
Delle Fave G, Rome, Italy Ruszniewski Ph , France
Dralle H, Halle, Germany Skogseid B, Uppsala , Sweden
Eriksson B, Uppsala, Sweden Solcia E, Pavia, Italy
Grossman A, United Kingdom Stolz B, Nürnberg, Germany
Grötzinger C, Berlin, Germany Warner R, New York , USA
Jensen R, Bethesda, USA Warner M, New York , USA
Kaiser D, Berlin, Germany

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