Group: Sandostatin

What does the OctreoScan test show?

October 17, 2015

The OctreoScan is a test which images 85% of carcinoid tumors but is not the best way to show their growth. It does indicate the potential usefulness of Sandostatin (octreotide) treatment when a tumor lights up on the OctreoScan.…


What is an OctreoScan?

October 17, 2015

An OctreoScan is fairly straightforward. While it cannot give an indication as to tumor size, it can indicate the extent of disease metastasis and show possible loci for tumors which may or may not have been suspected. Essentially what happens is this:…


Can you provide some suggestions about the preferred use of OctreoScans?

October 17, 2015

An OctreoScan can very occasionally show a carcinoid before CT scan or chemistries indicate its presence, but this situation is very infrequent. Visually it is used to help locate a tumor when chemistries show it is present and CT scan doesn’t image…


How does Sandostatin work in conjunction with chemotherapy?

October 17, 2015

Sandostatin when given in large doses (if OctreoScan is positive) along with alpha interferon (with which it works synergistically) causes tumor regression in 2/3 of the cases.…


Does Sandostatin inhibit or reverse the growth of carcinoid tumors?

October 17, 2015

Here are a few medical references dealing with the issue of efficacy of octreotide in control of tumor growth and/or reduction. There are more, but these are the initial ones that come to mind plus the 2009 published study. Feel free to print this article…


You, Dr. Warner, and Dr. Woltering prescribe different dosages of Sandostatin – what the pros and cons of each approach?

October 17, 2015

Dr. Woltering stands somewhat alone in his use of huge doses of Sandostatin. Based on his research observations he feels that very large doses inhibit carcinoid tumor cell growth whereas conventional doses inhibit hormone production, release and effect…


Does Sandostatin cause carcinoid tumors to reduce production of their chemicals?

October 17, 2015

Sandostatin works in both ways.…


How does the pump work with Sandostatin?

October 17, 2015

The pump is a device in wide use for diabetics who need insulin. It usually is an elastic plastic ball which is filled with medicine under pressure and as it contracts very slowly it squeezes out the medicine slowly at a steady rate into a small plastic catheter…


What are the side effects of Sandostatin?

October 17, 2015

15% of carcinoid patients cannot tolerate Sandostatin and it will not help them. There are additional medicines available which sometimes can make the Sandostatin tolerable or work. However, in some cases it must be abandoned and other forms of treatment…


Do you believe that foods containing xanthines or theobromine, such as coffee, interfere with Sandostatin?

October 17, 2015

Xanthines and theobromines, as well as various foods and wines, contain substances that are provocative for carcinoid crisis and hence can interfere with the effectiveness of Sandostatin.  I do agree with Dr. Woltering in recommending carcinoid patients…