Group: Exercise

What about exercise? Doesn’t it bring out more hormones released from the tumors, thereby exacerbating symptoms?

October 5, 2015

Mild exercise short of being stressful is desirable and not harmful.…


Is there any contraindication for Carcinoid patients regarding massage by a physical therapist?

October 5, 2015

Massage is okay for carcinoid patients as long as the massage is not done over the tumor ( i.e. the liver area or the abdomen if that is where the tumor/s are). Also physical activity of the nonviolent type such as walking, swimming and exercising (not heavy…


If a person wants to exercise, should he/she take an extra shot of Sandostatin beforehand? Doesn’t stress bring on symptoms?

October 5, 2015

An extra shot of Sandostatin before nonstressful exercise is unnecessary but should be taken before known stress of either physical (surgery, dental work) or emotional type (IRS audit, unpleasant court appearance, funeral, etc.).…