New England Carcinoid Connection 5th Patient and Caregiver Conference in Boston

11/04/2017 | 8:00am - 5:00pm

Registration is now open for the 5th New England Carcinoid Connection Patient/Caregiver Conference to be held in Boston, Massachusetts on Saturday, November 4 at Dana Farber Cancer Institute. The conference will feature presentations by doctors who are experts in their fields, interactive workshops, Question and Answer periods, and informational literature.  The cost to atten is $25.00 per son and includes a continental breakfast as well as lunch.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn Boston-Dedham with a room rate of $126.00 per night.  Guests should call the hotel directly to make reservations, 781-329-1000, and mention the Group Block.  Click here to make reservations on the hotel website, type in the date of stay, and enter the Group Booking Code NEC.

Click here for the conference agenda and to register.

Guest speakers for the 5th New England Carcinoid Connection Patient/Caregiver Conference

Pictured (left to right by row) are some of the speakers for the 5th New England Carcinoid Connection Patient/Caregiver Conference. Top row: Dr. Matthew Kulke, Dr. Jennifer Chan, Dt. Thomas Clancy; middle row: Dr. Heather Jacene, Dr. Matthew Schenker, Dr. Kimberly Perez; bottom row: Dr. Robert Ramirez, Dr. Andrea Enzinger, Robin Sommers




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