FDA Rare Disease Day 2021 Virtual Public Meeting

03/05/2021 | 9:00am - 4:00pm

Join the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, on March 5 for a virtual public meeting focusing on topics regarding rare disease product development.  Specifically, the meeting will focus on rare disease partnerships and collaborations, scientific advancements, patient involvement, and strategies to support rare disease product development during COVID-19.

“Patients, patient advocates, researchers, and medical product developers may benefit from attending this public meeting on rare disease product development. During presentations and panel discussions various stakeholders will share their perspectives on and experiences in rare disease product development. The meeting will include examples of rare disease product development programs, such as studies funded by the Orphan Products Grants Program, to illustrate the types of challenges faced and strategies used to address them. Additional discussion topics include the importance of patient engagement and natural history studies in rare disease product development, strategies to support rare disease product development during the COVID-19 pandemic, and current perspectives on rare disease product development from leadership across FDA’s medical product centers.”


FDA Rare Disease Day 2021