Dean Paras Memorial 5K Cross Country Run/Walk for Neuroendocrine Cancer Research

10/08/2017 | 11:00am - 3:00pm

Run, walk, or cheer on all participating in the Dean Paras Dean ParasMemorial 5K Cross Country Run/Walk for Neuroendocrine Cancer Research on Sunday, October 8th at University School in Hunting Valley, Ohio.    Dean Paras (pictured) lost his battle with neuroendocrine cancer at the age of 26 in 2011.  The Run/Walk is both an opportunity to raise awareness of this often misdiagnosed rare disease and to support life-saving research.  NET cancer specialist Dr. Eric Liu of the Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers in Denver, Colorado, will be at the event to talk with patients and caregivers. Several levels of sponsorships are available and individual donations are welcomed.

Click here for more information and to register: