Bay Area NET Conference, San Francisco
02/10/2019 | 8:30am - 5:00pm
The Seventh Annual Bay Area Neuroendocrine Patient Education Conference will be held at UCSF on Sunday, February 10, 2019 from 8:30 am to 5 pm. Speakers from UCSF, Stanford, Kaiser, and CSC will discuss the latest in NET patient care. There will be breakout sessions for caregivers and specific topic areas as well as extended lunch table talks for networking and information sharing.
The keynote speaker will be Dr. Sonia Lupien, the Director and Founder of the the Centre of Studies on Human Stress at the Institut universitair en santementale de Montreal, and will speak on “Stress and Cancer: From Science to Personal Perspective.”
There is no charge to attend and registration includes parking at UCSF. Click here to register.