2020 Bay Area Neuroendocrine Tumor Patient Conference, Stanford (CANCELLED)

03/08/2020 | 8:30am - 4:30pm

Hosted by Stanford University Medical Center and NorCal CarciNET Community, in cooperation with UCSF, the day-long conference for neuroendocrine tumor (NET) patients, caregivers and all interested in NETs will feature nationally-renowned Stanford and UCSF NET experts, as well as other internationally-known physicians.  Among the NET topics to be covered are surgery, liver-directed therapy, imaging, PRRT, clinical trials, and strategies for living well with NETs.

The keynote speaker will be Rebecca Katz, chef and author of numerous cookbooks including The Cancer Fighting Kitchen.  Ms. Katz will give a live cooking demonstration where she’l share recipes and cooking strategies to maximize the cancer-fighting potential of food while minimizing cancer treatment-related side effects.

Stanford NET Patient Conference 2020

Pictured left to right are some of the conference speakers: Josh Mailman, Dr. Emily Bergsland, Dr. Pamela Kunz, Rebecca Katz, and Dr, Thomas Hope.

There is no charge for registration, lunch and parking.

Click here for the agenda and to register.