2016 Bay Area Neuroendocrine Tumor Patient Conference, California

01/24/2016 | 9:00am - 4:00pm

This free day-long conference for neuroendocrine tumor (NET) patients, caregivers, and all interested in NETs is hosted by UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center in cooperation with NorCal CarciNET Community, the NET Research Foundation, and Stanford University Medical Center.  Topics covered during the conference, which features the latest developments in NET research and treatment, include treatment options, clinical trials and phase III results, nuclear medicine and molecular imaging as well as strategies for living with cancer.  Experts from around the world will be giving presentations and participating in Tumor Boards and extensive Q&A.  New this year is a Pre-Conference Primers on NETs for those who are newly diagnosed or who need a refresher on the basics of NETs.   Conference registration includes lunch and parking.  Click here to register.