Heloisa Soares, MD (Medical Oncology)
NET Program at Huntsman Cancer InstituteCo-Physician Leader, GI Clinical Trials Research Group
Huntsman Cancer Institute
University of Utah
2000 Circle of Hope, Suite 2100
Salt Lake City, UT 87102
801-587-4640 (New Patient Coordinator)
801-213-4266 (Clinic Front Desk)
Fax: 801-213-6047 (New Patient Coordinator)
Dr. Soares is a medical oncologist with a focus in GI cancers. Her main clinical and research focus is on pancreatic cancer and neuroendocrine tumors. She is a member of NANETs and ENETs. She has significant experience with clinical trials and was previously the section leader for the NET program at the University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center. In 2018, Dr. Soares was named one of 40 Under 40 in Cancer, an awards program identifying and recognizing the contributions being made across the field of oncology by individuals under the age of 40 years old. This recognition, created by The Lynx Group™ and McGivney Global Advisors, celebrates the contributions these individuals are making to improve the lives of those affected by cancer.
Dr. Soares received the NANETS 2020 Theranostics Investigator Scholarship (NTIG) award for her proposal, “The Role of HDAC Inhibitors in Combination to PRRT in NET Xenografts.” She will be mentored by Kathryn Morton, MD, Professor of Radiology at the University of Utah. The NTIG is intended to push forward the boundaries of molecularly targeted radionuclide therapy and diagnostics for patients with neuroendocrine tumors.
Follow Dr. Soares on Twitter, @helops79