Dr. Chandrikha Chandrasekharan to Be Featured Guest for CCF’s Luncheon with the Experts

Chandrikha Chandrasekharan, MBBS, medical oncologist at the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, will be the featured guest for Facebook Live Luncheon with the Experts on Thursday, November 18, 2021 from 12 noon to 1 pm, EST.

Chandrikha Chandrasekharan, MD Nov 18,2021

In addition to being part of the Neuroendocrine Cancer Multidisciplinary Team at the University of Iowa, Dr. Chandrasekharan is also Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine-Hematology, Oncology, and Blood and Marrow Transplantation.

Listen to Dr. Chandrasekharan talk about why she chose to become a physician, about the partnership she has with her patients and the care she provides.

To view the Luncheon with the Experts program come to CCF’s Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/Carcinoid/, at noon Eastern Time. There is no need to register and there is no special link.

Viewers are welcome to pose questions during the live program.

The Facebook Live events are hosted by B. Rain Bennett, a longtime CCF filmmaker and dear friend of the NETs community.

If you are on Facebook but unable to join at the scheduled time, the presentations will remain permanently on CCF’s Facebook page in the Video section, https://www.facebook.com/pg/Carcinoid/videos/. You can view all of the 2020-2021 presentations at that link too.

And for anyone not on Facebook, each of the presentations in the series is available on CCF’s YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/user/CarcinoidNETs. To receive notifications of all new videos on our YouTube channel, CLICK SUBSCRIBE and HIT THE BELL to receive notifications each time a new video is uploaded.

With special thanks to Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals, sponsor of the Luncheon with the Experts series.

Sign up for our e-newsletter to receive notifications about all upcoming Luncheon with the Experts programs, every Thursday from noon to 1 pm ET, as well as lots of additional news of interest to the NET community: https://bit.ly/SignUpCCFe-news.


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