New Market Research Study Seeking Neuroendocrine Tumor and Carcinoid Syndrome Patient Participants

Foster Rosenblatt, a leading provider of oncology patient data, is seeking participants in the United States for both telephone interviews and an online survey for neuroendocrine tumor patients who have been clinically diagnosed with a gastrointestinal or pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor or carcinoid syndrome. Participants can participate in either the phone interview or the online survey based upon eligibility.

The one-on-one telephone interviews, about 45 minutes in length, will take place between July 12 and July 20.  There is a $150.00 honorarium for participation.  A diverse group (including age and geographical area) of 10 patients is being sought.

The online survey for approximately 50 participants is expected to begin during the last week of July and will be accessible online for about 2 weeks. A link to the online survey will be emailed to the participants.  There is an honorarium of $150.00 for all who complete the survey.


Eligibility criteria for both the telephone interviews and the online survey are:

  • Fluent in English
  • Phone, computer and Internet access required (will be showing a product profile online for the phone interviews as well as conducting a separate online survey)
  • Participants need to have been clinically diagnosed with a gastrointestinal or pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor or carcinoid syndrome for more than 1 year
  • Participants currently treated with a long-acting somatostatin analogue (SSA) and have been treated with an SSA for over a year
  • Participants must be 18 years of age or older
  • Participants or immediate family members do not work for any of the following: Ad Agency/Publications; Marketing Research; and/or Pharmaceutical or Consumer Health Care Products (i.e. manufacturer, distributor, consultant)

All results will be confidential, reported in aggregate, and no identifying characteristics will be revealed.

If you are interested in participating in either the telephone interviews or the online survey, please write to to determine eligibility.

Thank you for your interest and participation in this study!