Neuroendocrine Tumors on TV: Rare Disease Day Special, February 28, 2017

NETs on TV!  The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation has teamed up with The Balancing Act and Advanced Accelerator Applications to raise awareness about carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) during a feature on Lifetime TV on February 28 (Rare Disease Day) and March 8.

Behind the Mystery:  Rare and Genetic Diseases will feature Judy Golz, a carcinoid patient sharing her story; and Matthew Kulke, MD, Director of the Program in Neuroendocrine and Carcinoid Tumors at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, providing insights into these rare tumors.

Tune in at 7:30 am EST, 7:30 am PST, 6:30 am CST, and 5:30 am MST. Be sure to check with your local provider for the actual channel and time (some satellite networks run 7:30am EST/4:30 pm PST). The program will also air on Wednesday, March 8.

You can help educate others about NETs by encouraging your friends and family to watch the show on February 28 and/or March 8.  Thanks so much for your support!

If you weren’t able to see the feature on February 28 or March 8 or would like to see it again, watch the full episode below: