November 10, 2014 is the fifth Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day!! Many exciting events and activities are taking place around the world tomorrow and have been held in the days leading up to NET Cancer Day.
1. The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation has contacted every Governor in the United States seeking proclamations, resolutions and letters of support for NET Awareness Cancer Day 2014. As of November 7, forty-six (46) states have recognized the importance of early detection and proper treatment leading to improved outcomes and a better quality of life for carcinoid/NET (neuroendocrine tumor) cancer patients!!
2. Results from the first ever Global NET Patient Survey have been released. For more information on the Global Quality of Life results, click here.
3. Have you joined our Thunderclap? You can make our message about the impact of living with carcinoid/ NETs go viral on NET Cancer Day, November 10! Please help spread the word by signing up for Thunderclap using Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr.
4. To focus on the importance of proper diagnosis for NET patients, the International Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance (INCA) has created a photo and video selfies campaign. Please join us in sharing the journey of being diagnosed with a NET!
5. Here’s a short video featuring INCA’s “Netty” campaign to raise awareness of NET cancers: [youtube=]