Happy New Year from the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation

As 2012 draws to a close, the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation would like to thank each of you for your support.  This year has been especially exciting because of our work on the Worldwide NET Cancer Awareness Day Alliance, with Grace Goldstein, CCF’s Chief Operating Officer, serving as Chairperson of the Alliance’s Executive Committee.  Hundreds of events were held on and around NET Cancer Day, November 10, in the United States, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Bulgaria, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, and Norway, and more.  Individuals, support groups, carcinoid/NET cancer foundations and organizations, businesses/corporations, politicians, and the media joined together with incredible results.  Information about NET cancer was distributed during walkathons, flash mobs, in schools, at gala balls, and during special conferences. Thirty-five United States Governors issued proclamations and letters of support for NET Cancer Day and awareness of these rare diseases.

35 United States Governors issued proclamations and letters of support for NET Cancer Day 2012

We are very pleased to report that we have had over 1,200,000 visitors to The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s website, www.carcinoid.org.  We are so proud that our website is considered the premiere resource for carcinoid/NET cancer information and that we serve patients, family members, friends, and the medical community in more than 110 countries.  Our visitors come from 6 continents, from countries such as Austria, Kenya, India, Japan, Russia, Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Iceland, China, France, Israel, Japan, the Mariana Islands, Venezuela, New Zealand, Italy, Ireland, and more.  Please keep visiting our website as we add new sections and share your feedback with us about your experience on the website as well as suggestions for additions or changes to the website. Your input helps us to continue to enhance our efforts to serve the entire carcinoid/NET community.

Carcinoid Cancer Foundation website homepage

CCF inaugurated a new video series in 2012 that will continue in 2013.  This series, made possible by the generosity of Kim, Heather and Lauren Simpson and other family and friends, has been created “In loving memory of Cheryl Stanley Simpson of Gainesville, Florida.  Cheryl was a loving and incredible wife, mother, sister, daughter, teacher and friend.  May her courage and dignity in fighting carcinoid cancer and this video series help save the life of someone else in her memory.”  The first three videos in the series are The ABC’s of Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumors, featuring three nationally and internationally recognized carcinoid/NET specialists; Faces of Hope, with 6 carcinoid/NET survivors sharing their stories; and Surgery and Treatment Options.  These are all available for viewing on the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s YouTube channel.

Over 190,000 people learned more about activities within and of interest to the carcinoid/NET community through this blog and nearly 4,000 have become Friends on the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s Facebook page (the largest Facebook group in the carcinoid/NET community throughout the world). Please become a Friend if you haven’t already and help us reach the 5,000 Friend milestone. Please share our Facebook page with your friends, colleagues, and loved ones and encourage them to spread the word too. The more friends we reach the more we can share the message about the importance of early detection and treatment of carcinoid/NETs. With all of our friends on this page now and their friends, we can reach over 1,221,000 people. Isn’t that amazing??!!

Carcinoid Cancer Foundation on Facebook

These are just a few of the highlights of 2012.  Our pledge to you in 2013 is to continue working to bring about greater awareness of carcinoid & NET cancers; to educate the medical community and the general public to look for, diagnose, and treat these diseases early; and to serve as advocates for the carcinoid/NET community throughout the world.  We hope that 2013 will bring many advances in carcinoid/NET cancer research.

If you would like to support the Foundation with a donation in 2012, there’s still time! CLICK HERE to make a donation. The most compelling reasons to support the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation are best shared by those whom we have helped.  Please read our 2012 Annual Appeal letter from Mack, Kym, and Jim as they talk about the significant difference the Foundation made in their lives and those of their loved ones.  And read more about Kym “Possible,” Jim, and Mack.  Donations to the Foundation can be made by check or credit card, click here for more information.

Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Annual Appeal 2012

The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation team wishes you and your loved ones good health and happiness in the New Year.


Happy New Year from the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation