Tag: Mount Sinai Hospital
Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s May 2011 Symposium Now Online
The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation is pleased to share with you videos from its carcinoid/NET symposium, “Neuroendocrine Tumor Management: The Era of Personalized Medicine,” held on May 1, 2011 at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City.
Following …
Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Symposium Features Leading NET Cancer Specialists & a Patient Panel
What are the most state-of-the-art treatments for carcinoid and NET cancer patients today? Join us on May 1st when the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation presents its 14th Annual Symposium, “Neuroendocrine Tumor Management: The Era of Personalized…
WebMD Articles Raise Awareness about Carcinoid Cancer
Understanding carcinoid tumors, carcinoid syndrome, and treatments for carcinoid when surgery is not an option are the focus of three feature articles by Ellen Greenlaw on WebMD.com this month. For these articles, Ms. Greenlaw sought the expertise…
FDA Approves Novel Radio-peptide Targeted Therapy Clinical Trial for Neuroendocrine Cancer: PRRT (Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy)
For the first time in North America, neuroendocrine cancer patients will have the opportunity to participate in a clinical trial of Lutetieum-177 (LU-177)with Octreotate. Ebrahim S. Delpassand, MD, chief executive officer and medical director of…
Carcinoid & Neuroendocrine Cancer Conference Presented by CCAN Now Online
If you missed the carcinoid and NET conference presented by the Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Network in November, you can now view it online. And if you want to hear some great presentations again, click here.
The guest speakers and their presentations …
Carcinoid Cancer Foundation Presents Symposium on Cutting-Edge Treatment
Determining Molecular Signature: A Guide for Targeted Therapy of Neuroendocrine Tumors
Imagine a treatment created just for you as a carcinoid or other neuroendocrine tumor patient based upon a personalized genomic analysis. This is the cutting-edge…