Tag: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

governor schwarzenegger net cancer awareness

California Governor Calls for Increased NET Cancer Awareness & Research

November 12, 2010

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California is the 11th United States Governor to support NET cancer awareness.  In his November 10, 2010 letter to the Northern California Neuroendocrine Cancer Fighters, a support group for carcinoid and NET cancer

stevejobs ca

Steve Jobs, Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Patient, Talks about Liver Transplant

March 21, 2010

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, is the most well-known member of the carcinoid and neuroendocrine tumor community. He was diagnosed with an islet cell pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (NET) in 2004 for which he had surgery, followed by a liver transplant in …